
A non-Christmas post : Spring in Netherlands
Along the way
Glædelig Jul ! Here I have a completely non-Christmas post, just to make the difference :) No actually it is just because I was in the mood for spring and then, Netherlands came to my mind. 

So! It was last spring when I happened to be in Rotterdam and I thought "This is spring in the Netherlands, I have to see some tulips ! "
And there it was... A trip to Leiden, rent a bike and in 1 hour we were surrounded by a colorfoul carpet of flowers-tulips everywhere. And it was not even the peak period, this was just the beginning of the season. Go there in mid-May to enjoy the fully blossomed tulips. 

Where exactly? From Leiden we cycled 17 kms to Lisse, Keukenhof.

This is a well-known garden full of tulips and tourists as it is only open for 2 months per year. But the garden is not the best part, the cycling route between Leiden and Lisse was worth more than the garden itself. 

There are many routes around Leiden full of flowers, windmills, canals and small villages, all connected through a very efficient and well-maintained bike-network.  You can't get lost with the Dutch bike infrastructure, guiding you all the way with labels and maps.

Popcorn tulips, not yet in bloom!

One of the friendly goats living peacefully together with chickens, rabbits and pigs :)

In Keukenhof gardens

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